Preparing for college or university starts in high school. There are many options to choose from, such as going to a public or private school and acquiring high school credits for their OSSD, among others. You need to take the right high school class...
Read More ›Every kid learns in their own unique method. To boost student learning, we collaborate with communities, employers, colleges, universities, and training centers. This includes satisfying all high school students’ needs, interests, and strengths...
Read More ›Secondary education is an important phase of any student’s life. It has a complex role in forming a student’s personality as well as his or her career. As a result, regardless of social class, gender, or economic background, every child shoul...
Read More ›There is no right or wrong when it comes to deciding what you want to do after high school. Whether you want to find a job right away or go to college or a university, how you want to walk your path is up to you. However, if you’re part of the grou...
Read More ›While others prefer working right after high school, some would rather further their education and enroll in post-secondary education. In Canada, there are three types of post-secondary education or tertiary education, which are colleges, universitie...
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