What is a high school credit course?
An educational course that grants you a high school credits towards earning a high school diploma.
How long is a credit course?
Any high school credit course is 110 hours long.
What is the benefit of doing a credit course at Amairah Private School (APS)?
At Amairah Private School (APS), we offer continuous intake, flexible schedule according to individual needs, options for day school, night school, and weekend school, small class size with more teacher-student interaction. Also, APS makes sure that individual academic needs are addressed and students get academically prepared for post-secondary education.
What is continuous intake?
Continuous intake is a co-operative educational program that allows students to engage in a credit course at any time of the year according to their schedule.
What is a Summer School?
Summer school are the classes that are taken in summers, outside of the regular academic school year.
What is the benefit of Summer School?
Summer School help students upgrade their marks, prepare or fulfill pre-requisites for the next school year, help in balancing their day school schedule.
What is a night school?
Night school are the classes that are taken in an institution providing evening classes for those working or attending another school during the day.
What is the benefit of night school?
Night school helps work around the students’ schedule and earn their high school credits while carrying on with their daily routine. It also helps them achieve higher marks as the students focus on one course at a time.
Do Universities accept Private School credits?
The credits earned at a Private school is same as the ones earned at a regular school. If a student is attending a private school full-time then the High School Diploma is obtained from the Private School and all the marks are entered into OUAC or OCAS by the respective Private School.
In case, the student is a part-time student of the Private School, then the private school enters the course marks into OUAC or OCAS.
Does Amairah Private School (APS) enter marks in OUAC or OCAS?
Amairah Private School (APS) enters all the marks of Grade 12 courses that are completed at APS before the deadline, including the requirement of sending mid-term marks in the second semester.
How do the marks from Amairah Private School (APS) get incorporated into the student’s official transcript?
When a part-time student completes a course in APS, then APS sends the report card of the student to their Regular school, that then enters the marks and credit earned into the official transcript. Therefore, when a student gets High School Diploma and the Official Transcript, that ONE Transcript has all the courses entered in it including the ones done from APS.
How is After-school tutoring at Amairah Private School (APS) beneficial for students?
APS Tutoring provides students with a more personalized learning experience where students can interact with the teacher and clear their doubts. APS Tutoring definitely helps students acquire better grades, improve critical thinking skills, organizational skills, and study habits. APS offers tutoring from KG to grade 12 in all subjects.
Does APS provide OSSLT Preparation?
APS Education offers OSSLT Preparation course, that is customized according to the individual needs of the students and help them get OSSLT ready and pass with good grades.
Does APS provide EQAO Preparation?
APS offers EQAO preparation for students of grade 3, 6 and 9. The preparatory course is designed according to individual needs where students are given multiple EQAO sample tests that make them ready for the test and help them achieve good grades.